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Project DH(Project Drug and Health)
 HIV in Eastern Europe and East Asia is prevalent mainly among people who use drugs. Reducing the health risks associated with drug use, including the spread of infectious diseases, is an urgent issue.
 There is an increasing attention on Drug Use in relation to HIV/AIDS in Japan. There is an urgent need to provide mental health care for People Living with HIV/AIDS and treatment for drug addiction among drug users. Project Drug and Health promotes understanding of drug use as a health issue and calls on a human-right based response to drug use and in its relation to HIV/AIDS.

【Activities: 2010 - 2011】

●Submission of Recommendations concerning the 54th Session on the Commission on Narcotic Drugs to the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare and Minister of Foreign Affairs. (February 14, 2011)
 Japanese  English

 Three NGOS in Japan submitted a recommendation that the Japanese delegation avoid negative statements about harm reduction at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna in March 21-25, 2011.

【Project DH Reports】

●Drug Use and HIV AIDS in Malaysia.
 JASA Project DH Report 1(October 2010)

●Four Pillars of Switzerland’s Drug Policy.
 JASA Project DH Report 2(January 2011)

●Statements of the Japanese Delegation at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
 JASA Project DH Report 3(January 2011)
 Japanese  English

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